Commercial or Industrial Facility

The average life cycle of a commercial or industrial facility is 25 years. If you own such a space or work for someone who does, it’s important to understand that energy consumption needs may change over time as technology evolves; thus requiring better lighting equipment to properly display (i.e.: show off) your inventory (or whatever else is stored at your warehouse), products to be sold (in establishments like grocery stores), etc., without costing an arm and a leg.

Why Your Outdated Lights Won’t Cut It Anymore

An old warehouse may have been built using metal halide, high-pressure sodium, or mercury vapor bulbs as the light source. These types of lights were chosen to maximize efficiency and save on energy costs because they produced high levels of lumens for little wattage usage. As time moved on, energy prices rose as much as 3x their original price and people began to realize there was a need for more cost-efficient lighting solutions that could accomplish the same output as those used in warehouses decades ago with much less electricity consumption.

These days, LED technology has been improved upon and can deliver higher lumen outputs (i.e.: brightness) than before while using very minimal electricity; thus making it the perfect form of lighting to consider upgrading to.


The Benefits of Upgrading the Lighting in Your Commercial Warehouse

  1. New LED lighting can improve your safety by illuminating walkways and hallways more efficiently, preventing accidents from happening as frequently as they do with old outdated light fixtures that cast shadows on doorframes and corners where people tend to slip and fall far too often.
  2. Old metal halide lights have been known to cause eye strain after being exposed to them so long, especially for those who work overnight shifts at warehouses and go home only when the sun is up.
  3. Unnecessary glare coming off of computers screens has been known to cause migraines and other serious injuries for those who sit in front of them all day long working on inventory or performing other tasks.
  4. Employees are most productive when they don’t have to worry about their eyes getting tired or hurting due to lack of proper lighting that is easy on the eyes; thus making it difficult for them to focus on individual tasks.
  5. Modern LED lighting is not only energy efficient but it’s also environmentally friendly because it emits less heat than its predecessors which translates into lower cooling needs; thus freeing up more electricity for your business to use elsewhere.
  6. The cooler running temperature of LED lights is also crucial for fire safety because overheated lights can cause flammable objects to ignite; thus causing a dangerous situation that may put your employees and inventory at risk. This is especially important in facilities that house or work with flammable items like gasoline, paint thinner, etc.
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The cooler temperatures also make it possible to enclose the lights and safely clean the ceilings and lights by spraying water and cleaning chemicals. This is useful in facilities that process meat and other foods where unsanitary grease build-up caused by exposure to heat can contaminate food and cause serious health problems.

  1. LED lights can be easily programmed to suit your business hours or even holiday hours by automatically turning them on when you are open for business or turning them off when the facility is closed.
  2. Not only are LED lights more environmentally friendly due to the fact that they emit less carbon dioxide but they are also safer for the environment because they do not contain mercury, a dangerous heavy metal that was used in previous types of lights.
  3. Natural daylighting LED lights are also available that do not emit any harmful UV rays so you can work in a more natural lighting environment without any harmful effects.
  4. Sports facilities like college and professional sports arenas and stadiums require special lighting solutions to successfully present the complex details of the playing field for viewing on television. LED lights mounted onto telescopic cranes can be moved very precisely and quickly to adjust the positioning of the lights; thus making it possible for facilities like this to show off their home-field advantage and dominate their competition.

The Difference Between LEDs and Metal Halide Lights

LEDs have a much lower lumen depreciation rate than metal halides, meaning that the brightness level remains constant over time as opposed to slowly dimming down until you have to replace the light source with a new one. This eliminates the need to change out your lights quarterly similar to how it’s done now at warehouses. With LEDs, there is no need for replacement lamps, ballasts, starters, ductwork or rewiring required as the system will last forever. This means you can spend less money on costs, saving more dollars for your business.

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How to Ensure the Proper Lighting Solution is Installed in Your Commercial or Industrial Facility

Look for a company that specializes in Industrial Lighting. Companies like TESS LCC, employ a team of master electricians and experienced technicians that are factory trained and certified to work with LED lights. They will examine the layout of your facility, how you plan to use the space, and design an industrial LED lighting system that best suits your needs. From there, they will implement the system and assure it is maintained properly so you won’t have to worry about environmental issues. 

The sooner you upgrade your facility with these low-maintenance, energy-efficient lights, the more money you will save in the long term.

Final Thoughts

Replacing your current lighting solution with LED technology will not only improve the quality of light that your workers and customers are exposed to but it will also reduce your energy bills by up to 90%, decrease your maintenance costs, and increase safety for you and all those who work in or visit the facility.

The time has come for businesses everywhere to show their commitment to the environment and improve the lighting in their facility for a change that will benefit everyone involved. Now is not the time to wait but to jump on board with this exciting trend that’s taking over the business world.